New Online Resources for InnerProfessional Affiliates

We’ve been busy coming up with ways to streamline communications with you as an InnerProfessional Affiliate. We also want to give you easier access to resources that will help you sell courses from our growing catalog.


If you’ve logged in and checked your private Affiliate account at in the last day or so, you may have seen some new menu items down the left-hand column. Please take a look when you next get a chance.


Some key enhancements include:

  • A new Request a Quote form that we’ll ask you to use whenever your direct sales customer is ready for a quote. The form collects the customer information required for our quoting & invoicing system.
  • A repository of Marketing Assets, providing collateral that you can use to present any course in the InnerProfessional catalog.
  • A log of Recent Emails broadcast from us to Affiliates.
  • An Announcements area which will also provide key information of interest.
  • A Knowledge Base of short how-to articles to assist with your processes.

This online Affiliate Resource is still a work in progress, but we’re now ready to discontinue our use of Basecamp to message and share information with you. The Affiliates: InnerProfessional Basecamp resource area will close within the next several weeks. Please make sure you’ve bookmarked for future reference.


We hope you’ll find this new resource more streamlined, easier to navigate, and containing more useful information, all in one place.


We welcome your feedback and suggestions. We’ll continue developing this resource over time.


If you have any questions or requests, please direct message me at Also please contact me if you know of anyone who might like to explore joining us as an affiliate! (You can introduce them to information found here.)


Finally, there are a few people on this distribution list that haven’t participated in the Affiliate program for several months. If you no longer wish to participate, you may opt-out of our Affiliate program by simply sending us an email. Your affiliate account will remain open, but we will remove you from the broadcast distribution.


(Please note that if you unsubscribe from our emails, you will be removed from ALL automated communications from us, including in-session classroom content, faculty articles, and product announcements.)


Here’s to our upcoming mutual success!




This post should NOT appear anywhere in the affiliate area under any filters or pages.

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Leading Through Uncertainty

How do you lead when the curveballs keep coming? Learn scalable, easy-to-implement, science-based practices that teams apply to rapidly navigate through the unrelenting uncertainty of our times.

Leading Through Uncertainty Links:

PDF Flyer:

InnerProfessional Blog Posts:

Video Webcasts:

InnerProfessional LinkedIn Posts:


Bobbie’s Website:

Bobbie’s Social Media Accounts:

Leading Through Uncertainty Testimonials:

  • I have invited Bobbie to present two workshops to our West Region Sales Team on ‘Creating a Strategic Approach to Sales’, which is so relevant in our competitive and disruptive environment. Her experience as a successful sales executive together with a science-based approach to developing a possibilities mindset has helped our team consistently exceeded our sales targets. Thank you, Bobbie, for giving us the competitive edge we need. – Sara Coady, Head of Enterprise Sales, Stripe
  • Bobbie presented an excellent workshop on “Positive Leadership: Navigating Through Uncertainty” at our department offsite. I have been a fan of Bobbie’s work in the Positive Leadership arena ever since she introduced me to this exciting new discipline two years ago. Her science-based approach and practices to help professionals navigate through challenging times have definitely benefited my team. People were glued to her presentation, and left with real, practical ideas to help them deal head-on with the many challenges we are facing in a hyper-growth, uncertain and constantly changing environment. – Mike Hamilton, Global Head of IT, DataBricks


Resonance, a scientific principal, can be learned and practiced to optimize personal influence and impact. Tap your power to express purpose, win allies, realize dreams and lead the change you want to see.

Resonate Links:

PDF Flyer:

InnerProfessional Blog Posts:

Video Webcasts:

InnerProfessional LinkedIn Posts:

Ginny’s Articles in Forbes:


Ginny’s Books: (available on Amazon and other bookstores, additional resources at the links below)

Ginny’s Website:

Ginny’s Social Media Accounts:

Resonate Testimonials:

  • Ginny has blown it out of the park with this work…I have gone through the course but will be reading the book again and look forward to putting more into practice – especially becoming the other – Anne Miller
  • Thanks so much for all the thought and work that’s gone into this course, the tools and the practices…a lifetime of work! – Ann Fisher
  • Thank you so much for this class Ginny. I loved the short videos, the exercises during the course, and the forum was valuable. Ginny’s feedback was not generic, it seemed she stepped in our shoes before answering. That was very much appreciated. Those feedback comments were just as helpful if not more helpful than the videos! It was nice to be able to do the live calls, interact with Ginny, and other class members. Thank you for this great experience. – Yoshika Ramanujam
  • I want to thank and celebrate Ginny for her vulnerability, generosity and wisdom in both writing the book AND then launching this wonderful training. Through this training, I’ve also found two wonderful fellow-travelers (practice partners) in Australia, and I’m sure we’ll be all continuing to partner together on the way-making. -Mark Seton
  • Dear Ginny, thank you for all the love and caring that went into designing and delivering this excellent program. As expected, it really resonated with me and just came me at the right moment that I have needed it in my life. You are an inspiring and caring leader and a role model for me. I am already using the inner and outer practices on a daily basis and will continue to do so. Sensing into those energy patterns was a real hoot and I have been bringing it to my practice with my clients in my own way to get them to a place of resonance. thank you also for introducing me to the daily zazen. – Dory Halati
  • Wow, I love how Ginny explains the flow and “way” of energy. – Claudia Lutschewitz
  • This is BIG STUFF! And Ginny Whitelaw presents it in a clear, concise, and practical way that makes it readily applicable. – Christina A Geithner
  • I am grateful for the tools and for the energetic framework to move projects – large and small – forward. – Gretchen Neve
  • I loved every module and will use the information for the rest of my life. Thank you! – Mairead Veeneklaas
  • The content, reflections, community forum and practice groups provide an exceptional experience for practical application and learning. The practices and questions hold lifelong relevance. – Caroline Heseding